SFX Youth Sports is a volunteer-led organization in Brooklyn providing sports programs focusing on skills and teamwork. Our programs teach fundamental skills while promoting teamwork, good sportsmanship and respect for all. Our coaches and leadership follow a set of basic principles, and expect parents and guardians to reinforce these principles on the field.
We have been serving the Brooklyn community for over 100 years, expanding our programs every year.
Summer Baseball Camp Clinic – Co-Ed
SFX Youth Sports Co-Ed Summer Baseball Camp is held in Prospect Park from July 8th through August 23rd for children ages 8 – 14. Our clinic camp is run by our travel team Instructors, HS coaches and former college players. Your child will spend the day playing games in addition to focusing on drills to provide a well rounded experience. General skills include fielding, throwing, catching, hitting, pitching, base-running and situational drills.
Questions? Doug Adams: SFX Camp Director can be reached at dougmaryadams@aol.com
Co-Ed ages 8 – 14
- 9:00am to 3:00 pm at Prospect Park Field #4
- $300 per week
- Sibling discount of 20% per additional child
- Discount of 15% for registrations of 3 weeks or more.
SFX Camp is a weekly camp.
- Week 1: July 7th
- Week 2: July 14th
- Week 3: July 21st
- Week 4: July 28th
- Week 5: August 4th
- Week 6: August 11th
- Week 7: August 18th
Campers will receive an SFX Shirt and Cap.
All campers should bring a water bottle, towel, molded plastic cleats, baseball glove and baseball pants.
SFX Youth Sports Spring Baseball, Softball, and Tball registration is now open!
QUESTIONS? First, refer to our Parent Info Tab and FAQs on our website (https://sfxyouthsports.com/) if you have questions. For further information to the contacts page and contact the appropriate division coordinator.
(Player age is as of December 31st, 2024)
Co-ed Baseball
- Tee Ball – 4 years old-$140
- Pee Wee – 6 & under- $190
- Pony – 8 & under- $200
- Cub – 10 & under -$215
- Bantam – 12 & under-$220
- Super Bantam – 13 & under-$230
- Grasshopper – 15 & under-$240
- Freshmen – 18 & under-$250
Girls Softball
- Rookie – 6 – 8 year olds -$200
- Mustang – 10 & under -$215
- Bronco – 12 & under-$220
- Colt – 15 & under -$240
Early registration-$10.00 discount per player-ends 12/15/24
Late registration-$30.00 surcharge fee per player-starts 2/1/25
- All registered players (non-waitlist) will be placed on a team
- Teams will be selected in early March
- Your child’s coach will contact you in Mid-March
Opening Day is April 5th. Season ends approximately – June 16th. More information to follow in late winter 2024.
Sponsor our program. You can sponsor us using the registration program. For more information contact John Piccard @ john@sfxys.com
Spring General Skills Softball Clinic
BEGINNER (2 years playing experience)
Sundays from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM and on Thursday, 4/3, from 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM.
INTERMEDIATE (2 or more years of playing experience)
Sundays from to 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM and on Thursday 4/3 from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM.
- Every player will receive training on throwing, catching, hitting, and base running.
- Players must bring their own glove.
- Players may bring their own bat if they own one.
- Players should wear gym clothes (including sneakers – no cleats) and bring water or other fluids to keep themselves hydrated.
Meet Sean Edgar
Sean Edgar is the Vice President and Commissioner of Flag Football for SFX Youth Sports. Sean grew up in Park Slope and attended St. Francis Xavier for grammar school. Sean played baseball in our program and ultimately took his skills to St. John’s University where he was a member of the baseball team. Sean’s leadership and hard work has been instrumental to the growth of our program over the past ten years.
Meet John Piccard
The Prospect Park Alliance gave a shout-out to SFX President John Piccard in its recent update. Visit the Prospect Park Alliance website to read about SFX’s growth the last few years, and find out what John thinks about when he’s not standing on the sidelines.
Get Involved
SFX is run entirely by volunteers—people like you who offer their time and passion giving back to the community. This approach has allowed us to offer affordable programs for all children for almost 50 years. Please consider signing up to volunteer as a coach, assistant coach or at the league level.
Thank You,
John Piccard
President SFX Youth Sports